9:00 - 18:00

Opening hours

+7 (4722) 33-61-79

Belgorod, ul. 50-letiya Belgorodskoy obl. 10




Igor M. Komarov

Igor M. Komarov was born in Barnaul city of the Altay territory. After graduation from Law Faculty of Altay State University in 1978 he was called up for military service which he served in Military Prosecutor department of USSR and Russia Ministry of Defense.

In 1994 he served as the head of organizational inspectorial department of Chief Military Prosecutor Office of Republik of Kazakhstan. At the same period he became a postgraduate student of Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Enquiry of Ministry of Justice of Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty city. During his postgraduate studies he prepared and defended a PhD thesis “Problems of improving effectiveness of investigative activities on cases of the military evading service”; and got a PhD in Law.

Since 1997 he was the head of criminalistics department of Barnaul Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. After his transfer to the reserve in 2000 he worked as a professor of criminal procedure and criminalistics department of Altay State University, at the same time practising law on criminal and arbitration cases.

In 2003 Igor Komarov defended doctoral dissertation “Problems of theory and practice of criminalistic actions in pretrial proceedings”.

Since 2008 he has been working with Belgorod State National Research University where he had been invited to prepare accreditation of speciality “Forensic Enquiry”. He is a chairman of Scientific Tutorial Board of Legal department (specialization «Judicial expertise», a tutorial supervisor of master training of the department. In 2010 Academic Board of Belgorod State University elected him the head of Forensic Enquiry and criminalistics department. Igor Komarov is in charge of University postgraduate training on the specialty: criminalistics, forensic expert activity, investigative activity).

Igor Komarov, retired Colonel of Justice, is rewarded with government awards for his service in the Military Forces of the USSR and RF. For his work with universities he is rewarded with certificate of honor by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2008) and by rector of Belgorod State National Research University (2011). He is the author of more than 150 scientific and tutorial papers, a textbook on criminalistics and 11 monographs on problems of forensic expertise, criminal procedure and criminalitics among them.

His professional experience of law practice is more than 35 years.

He specializes in criminal law on issues of advocatory support of investigation and judicial inquiry of economic crimes, on handling disputes in arbitration and regular courts.